Summer Soap – Molds and Cutting
This is a two part video (because of size restrictions not time) in this first part I go over the different types of molds and things to set them up.
This is a two part video (because of size restrictions not time) in this first part I go over the different types of molds and things to set them up.
Fluid (Sage Tea) needed: |
Fluid (Heavy Cream) needed: |
Fluid (tension tamer herbal tea) needed: |
To Follow is a step-by-step guide for making your own homemade soap. You can find full written instructions on my website. Because of the 10minute restrictions on I’ve had to break the video up into two parts. Enjoy making your own homemade soap!
Fluid (Apple Juice) needed: |
Fluid (sleepy time tea) needed: |
Fluid (water) needed: |